Home Healthy Thai Peanut Chicken Bowls Recipe

Thai Peanut Chicken Bowls Recipe

by admin

The Meal I Didn’t Know I Needed.

Lindsay Ostrom headshot.

Well, that was tasty.

What you’re looking at is a a bowl of caramelized peanut chicken, on a tangled bed of vermicelli noodles, with some herbs and cucumber salad, topped with more of that peanut sauce.

After what has felt like a kind of long rut of post-holiday life / overwhelm / meh cooking, my first bite of this just woke me up inside. It revived me in just the right way.

Second of all, and related – have you seen the Trader Joe’s Peanut Satay Sauce? It’s your ticket to making this stupidly easy. It’s delicious, thick, creamy, and mild enough for 4 out of 4 of our little Scandinavian family to love it. You should buy a jar and make this.

Jar of Trader Joe's Thai Peanut Satay Sauce.

If you don’t have a Trader Joe’s nearby, try this peanut sauce instead! I use it in a similar way with tofu and I think it would be absolutely perfect here. The sesame oil in there is chef’s kiss delicious.

And no surprise, I’m still loving and using these PFAS-free nonstick pans, and they work really well in this recipe.

January is not really anyone’s favorite (is it anyone’s favorite)? but you know what? We have noodles. We have caramelized bites of chicken. We have fresh mint, little jars of sauce, and flavor joy.

Let’s have a big bowl of noodles / chicken / peanut sauce / salad and remember that we’re going to be okay.

Lindsay signature.

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See also  Lemon Chicken Pasta Salad | The Recipe Critic

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